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This is the speech I wrote for my debate against Science.
I won the debate by a big majority! 😀

Evolution is presented in our textbooks as a process that brought time, space, and matter into existence from nothing. This matter was then organized into galaxies, stars, and planets, created life that exist as we see today, gave creation the instincts to reproduce, and finally caused diverse species and cultures to form. Creation teaches that “In the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth.” Creationism presents the idea that creation must imply that there is a Creator. To better explain the opposing view points, consider this scenario:
“Two people are walking through a forest. One is a creationist, the other an evolutionist. They see a wristwatch lying on the trail. The creationist says, “someone must have left this here.” The Evolutionist says, “Millions of years ago, rain water from the mountains brought metal ores down to this trail. They formed into a crude watch band and a set of hands. Then a bolt of lightning hit the randomly formed battery and started the ticking.”

To say that the human life (emotions, compassion, sight, instincts) happened by chance is a depressing world view that leaves us with no sense of purpose. Consider what random existence implies. Humans were created for no reason, the highest goal in life is to merely survive, and death offers no more than the ground. On the other hand, Creation implies that Humans were created and called to have a relationship with God. In many ways, evolution degrades life and lowers our confidence and morals.

Not only can evolution be disproved on a personal level, but on a scientific level as well. It is often said that the Bible and science are like oil and water. There are actually similarities between the two, and the Bible offers evidence of scientific knowledge. To begin, evolution and creation both require faith. When choosing a belief, one decides to either place their faith in God, or in science. No one witnessed the beginning of the world. Neither creation, the big-bang theory, or evolution can be tested and observed in a science lab. Therefore, faith is a factor in all beliefs.

Biogenesis is the theory that living things can originate only from other living things. Such as, humans come from humans and not from rocks. This theory of biogenesis, which is considered a foundation in the study of Biology, contradicts the big-bang theory as well as evolution. Creation and evolution alike agree on microevolution, which is minor changes among a particular species. For example, if a new food source is introduced into a habitat, a birds beak may develop to better collect the said food. Macroevolution however, is where creation and evolution differ. An example of macroevolution would be that same bird turning into a lizard. Or as stated by evolutionist, apes to humans.

The Bible offers scientific information, and thus proves that it is not obsolete in any scientific debate or discussion. Jeremiah 33:22a says, “As the host of heaven cannot be numbered…” Up until the creation of more powerful telescopes in the 19th century, it was believed that there were only around 6,000 stars. We know now that the stars are innumerable. Isaiah 40:22a says, “It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth…” For most of the world’s history, many have believed that Earth is flat. 1 Corinthians 15:41 says, “There is one glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars; for one star differeth from another star in glory.”
All stars look alike to the naked eye. Even when seen through a telescope, they seem to be just points of light. However, analysis of their light spectra reveals that each is unique and different from all others. Ecclesiastes 1:7 says, “All the rivers run into the sea, Yet the sea is not full; unto the place from whence the rivers come, thither they return again.” This verse is compatible with what we now know about hydrology.

As said before, creation implies that there is a creator. Art implies an artist, inventions imply an inventor, and a house implies a builder. To think that we exist by chance is despairing. Evolution lowers the worth of humans, and leaves little reason to thrive. God’s word offers evidence for creation, and proves that it can withhold the test of Science. Romans 1:20 tells us, “For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, … so that they are without excuse.”

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